Drama is one of the best ways to build confidence, develop creativity, learn communication skills and have fun.
Drama and Acting for Kinder to Grade 6 builds confidence and develops skills through improvisation, focus games, role-playing and working solo. Students also work on storytelling, characterisation and stagecraft through scripts and scenes.
Kinder - Grade 1 (30mins)
Grades 2 - 3 (45mins)
Grades 4 - 6 (1hr)
Grade 7 to 10 classes focus on advanced acting and drama. Working with a variety of styles from Shakespeare and period pieces, to comedy, drama and contemporary playwrights, students will develop skills in improvisation, storytelling, characterisation, accents, physicalisation and movement, script analysis and stagecraft. Students will work on monologues, scripts and scenes, plays, audition techniques and performances.
Grades 7 - 10 (1.5hrs)